Yesurani Molakala
@Raanian_29 · 1:12

One line a day #day7

Smiling is free of cost and it gives us many beneficial aspects to live happy and healthier life. So always keep smile on your face, which absolutely brings you the positive attitude you need in your life. So always keep smile. Fill your mind with always positive thoughts which gives you the authentic energy you need. Have a great day ahead. Signing off Malana Day podcast

Do whatever you want to do.... Life is all about to make miraculous experience wherever you go just follow ur bliss that's enough #everydayphenomenol🙂

Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 1:29
And when you smile, you give happiness to the persons, to the people who are surrounding you. So smile. It is meaningful. Nothing else is there in life. Keep smiling. Keep smiling
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:41
And the moment you start smiling, you forget everything that you're going through, and it gives you a new energy, a new sort of enthusiasm to face the challenges that are coming forward. So thank you so much, Yesurani, for this wonderful message. And this one liner is really fantastic. Thank you so much