Yesurani Molakala
@Raanian_29 · 3:40

One line a day #day 6

Whatever it is you have the pain in your cells within your heart, it is not given the actual pain you are going through. Moreover, it is helping us to sense the greatest power of success. Yeah. Struggles are not something that actually gives you the pain. They are just something which always help us to push more forward of ourselves. Always allow yourself to explore the best of your life. Always in every way. Keep smile, always fill with the positive vibes

Push yourself a little more beyond....

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:08
Hi Ashurani, I do agree with each and every statement that you said. So always people try to pull you down, they try to backstab you, they try to stop your way, they try to create negativity in your life. But always have that smile, always be positive, always learn to explore as much as you can, have that positivity. And never ever become weak in front of everyone or anyone because your weakness is their happiness