Quwanna Fields
@Quwanna-Ebony · 0:46

What are your driving peet peeves?

Nothing literally upsets me more when I'm driving than someone who feels the need to just abruptly turn pull into a parking spot, switch lanes without signaling that literally boils my blood. Why would you just want to throw your car in front of someone else's without letting them know that you are getting over in front of them like that? Stick next to the steering wheel is there for a reason. Just flick it. Give us a fighting chance to not hit your car. That's all I'm saying

I hate driving in general

For the last ten years, I've had to drive everywhere just because of the layout of the city that I used to live in. There is highways, but it's all the way off to the outskirts of town. It takes forever to get anywhere. And in the place that I now live at for the last three years, everything is always packed, like constantly
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