Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 5:00

Why is it easier to cheat then to just walk away and start over?

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But now you're trying to make me the villain and you the victim. How that happened? So I just had that on my mind today. Why not walk away before you destroy your whole family? Because I'd rather you walk away and allow, if we have children, allow our children to heal. Because mommy and Daddy just decide that life is better apart than to have to take my children through the pain of recovering their hurt and embarrassment because one of the other partners cheated

Walk away

Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 3:05
He always found some type of way to blame me or make it seem like I did something first for him to step out. The third time. I couldn't take it no more. The whole time I've been married to him, I kept trying to figure out why, what is happening? What did I do to deserve this? Why am I being so disrespected? And I started becoming accountable when I seen it
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:09
So I guess with your experience of having been cheated on in the past, if it's happened more than one time, I would closely try to examine the patterns and the people you found yourself attracted to, the things that they've said, the promises they've made. And really look at what, in spite of your attraction to, would you need to work on to prevent that from happening in the future?
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 2:38


Going through all the heartache and pain that I went through being married for seven years and what I have experienced being married to this man who cheated on me three times in our marriage. It showed me that I am more capable of receiving the love that God has for me. And the fact of the matter is, people are selfish. They are selfish. They're weak
Arty Goodman
@ArtyGoodman1 · 4:56
Human beings will find themselves attracted to others and you get too close to the flame, you get burned. And unfortunately, in your situation and as has been the case in mine over the course of my life the imperfections that we carry with us in life tend to give us only so much comfort. And individuals who will go off and cheat and find another it is for the sake of their own needs selfish, as has been described
Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 2:20


And being accountable means that you understand hurting someone because you choose to, because you didn't think they was worthy for you to be honest and for you to be faithful and for you to understand that what you do affects not only you, but your spouse and your children. So thank you for responding and thank you for looking in the mirror and understanding that you are worth more than what you were given. And you can be happy single
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Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 5:00


And when you choose to take it upon yourself to break someone's heart, I wonder, do people take the time to think about the storm that they're going to commit within the whole family when they step outside the marriage and get caught? Because I think as long as they can get away with it, it will continue. But when you get caught with your betrayal, you come up with excuses. It's the partner's fault. No, it's not the partner's fault
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Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 5:00


The man I say I love, I'm not going to betray those vows because I'm unhappy. I'm going to communicate with you until we can get it right. So I don't get it. What you say is not easy. Now, it might be hard when someone's begging and crying and just say, Stay. But still yet you still got a choice. You got one time. It was one time and one time only one time
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Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 5:00


But you still chose, and not you just a man that cheats or a woman that cheats, because men get cheated on too. You still chose to go outside of the love that you had with someone. So I can't say staying would be better than leaving because now the other person is so hurt that they're not in it anymore. They're there, but they're not in it anymore
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Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:46
Whether it's attention, whether it's peace, whether it's conversation, and these things become sexual in nature, there's usually something, and it could very well be something that the person at home is not even aware of. I'm trying to use general terms here because I ain't trying to pinpoint people or anything because I don't know. But I think that it's easier to just get the thing you're missing from this other person than to give up the entire relationship