Pungi dasa
@Pungidasa · 1:52

Between the lines

article image placeholder@pungidasa | Linktree
So here we have another poem. This one is called between the Lines in books and old Yellowed Pages. She buries herself deep, walking in the meadows of metaphors, dancing with similes, gently passing the house of nouns and heading to the bay of objectives, spotting ships made with words, ink and forgotten thoughts. She swirls in happiness in those mountains of emotions. The evergreen jungles thick and choked with the fragrance of wisdom, laughter and pain

https://linktr.ee/pungidasa #poetry #spokenword #metaphors

Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 2:15
So you might not understand Malayalam but I felt like I'll give the translation but I felt like I should reside a couple of lines from that famous poetry kavanarthaki kanaga chi langa Kilangi Kilangi kanjan it means a beautiful maiden who was dancing. Who had a beautiful smile. Who was putting in beautiful steps. Who had her handled sounds were giving so much pleasure to the part and in such a form. The Malayalam poetry dancing in front of him. Thank you for reminding me this poetry today
Pungi dasa
@Pungidasa · 0:51
Hello. Thanks Peter. Really. First of all, I don't understand Madana, but the way it came out when you recited it was very, very interesting. And also that if there's a rhythm, there's a meter to it. It's a real pleasure to get such a nice compliment that it reminds you of a very famous and a very interesting one that's written quite in the past. So I feel really honored that this really able to bring you back set memories