Psy Speaks
@Psy_Speaks · 0:45

#MyProfile | Psy Speaks

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So this is my first time getting into podcasting and I'm hoping you'll all tune in with me and we can make this a regular thing. So I hope you'll join me

#FirstSwell Astrology Enthusiast. Tarot Reader. Psychic. Here to talk about all kinds of topics and share some advice and inspiration!

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:11
Hey, welcome to swell. There's definitely a community for that here, so I hope you enjoy it. I hope you like it and explore it and yeah, welcome
Psy Speaks
@Psy_Speaks · 0:23


Hey, Ro, thanks for the welcome. I appreciate it. Glad to know that there is definitely a community here for that. I still am just figuring out the platform itself and starting to search around to see what else and who else is out there. Yeah. I appreciate it though. It seems like it's going to be a cool place