Professor Z
@Professor42 · 2:31

Swell New Features Wishlist

But in the event, let's say hypothetically, it is the most updated version, the first request is going to be an extended talk circle, which this was a feature that was enabled, I believe, before. In regards to your most. The Swell users that you've interacted with the most, they're going to show up in your spotlight. It would be awesome if this would be extended to Replies

#1 Extended talk circle with replies the people you interact most with being able to click their name to tag them and respond. #2 Shuffle swells

Professor Z
@Professor42 · 1:25

Expanded Description character limit 375 characters? @arish @sudha

I also wanted to follow this up with possibly a third request for features, I started using Threads, and I never really used Instagram, so this is a follow up. So here's a third feature I started using, Threads, the Instagram app. I got into Twitter, but it never really caught on. And I feel like Threads, even though I didn't initially like it, has a better overall feel to it. One of the reasons for this is the character limit


And so if someone goes to my profile and clicks that hashtag, it'll bring up all of the swells that I did with the hashtag philosophy. So it sort of filters instead of just using the hashtag philosophy and getting everybody's swells, it would filter them to be just mine. And so if you want to use multiple hashtag things plus any sort of description, you again begin to eat up the character limit. That was a long way of saying, I second what you said
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 0:01

@SeekingPlumb Will respond soon great ideas

Professor Z
@Professor42 · 2:01


People have the time to reflect and do some revisions that they may not be able to do with live audio per se, but these are just my thoughts and Christina, thank you for your response. Professor 42 out


Sorry for the delay. I don't know if you've confirmed or not whether that glitch still exists. When you hit the reply button and the username is not inserted, do you happen to be on an Apple device? This was a glitch that had been resolved, but maybe it resurfaced again and you may want to tag in suda and or Irish in case it's still happening
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 0:35

@SeekingPlumb @arish @sudha

Hey, Christina. Thank you for your response. I don't know if it was a one day glitch or what, but the issue seems to have resolved itself. I'm on android. I do have the latest app. What I am going to do is just tag them and see if they see anything. I don't know if they have a feature where it includes diagnostics and logs, but I'm going to tag them in this. Thank you for your suggestion
Arish Ali
@arish · 1:44

@Professor42 The Roll The Dice for Random Swell promo is back

I think especially for Svelcast Description profile Description, that is a fair ask and we have added it to our roadmap. So we will try to kind of consider how to best kind of add it in our design and add it as a feature chat on the line. So thanks for that feedback. Bye