Professor Z
@Professor42 · 2:04

PSA: Invites

And the reason for that is not because I'm arrogant or you're unimportant. More so, the aspect of the topic that is being talked about, I either have no interest remotely in that topic or I don't have enough knowledge to even come up with a response that would be remotely coherent

Responding to a swell that does not peak my interest does not seem genuine

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:55
I create a swell and I haven't created a swell in a long time. I create a swell and I am inviting everyone that swell suggests based on that category that I've selected to invite. And I'm like invite, invite, invite, invite. And I just go down the road and invite. And likely that's what occurred. And I guess lucky for me, it was swell topic that fit your world, so to speak, going back to my friend's reference point