Professor Z
@Professor42 · 4:58


Hello, professor 42. Today I want to talk about something that I think gets talked about often, but never really in detail amongst people, not really in a group discussion, but wanted to gather some feedback. So today's topic is about intelligence, s and the various components of it that I think often get overlooked. So for me, when I think of intelligence, one of the things that I think about is natural curiosity. So for an example, let's say you have a random tool

What are your thoughts on what makes someone intelligent. What are your general thoughts on intelligence and what society believes makes someone smart

phil spade
@Phil · 1:49

@Professor42 https://s.swell.life/STkwTuWzpwXo0YF

And I have member of my family who is autistic and I've seen a spatial intelligence be off the charts and really kind of open my eyes to that. Intelligence can be measured in so many different ways and it may not be how we historically define it. And I think you hit it on the head of how we historically define it. Is somebody's book smart? If they get good grades, that means they're book smarts. What does that really mean?
article image placeholder8 Different Types of Intelligence
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:15
I was having this dialogue with this gentleman, and he asked, you know, what do you do? And I said, I'm a real estate investor. And he was like, oh, yeah, my cousin, she's a real estate agent, and she sold me my house. And I mean, yeah, that's the industry to go when real estate was booming. And I was like, Real estate is always booming. Always. Don't get it twisted
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 1:43


Act as if though an eleven year old child would have this information, and it's common. But that same person wouldn't know the basics of turning on a computer or a PC. And then they'll pass it off as some fancy new technology. I don't know. But I do see that it happens. And thank you for your input, professor. 42 out