Professor Z
@Professor42 · 4:09

Financial Probing.

It's the same thing about general financial questions that have no benefit to the person that's asking them. And I wanted to ask the swell community, is this something that you would feel you would be annoyed at or you feel like it's a harmless thing? I'm just person that's very private. I find it infuriating to be asked questions like this when, again, there's no benefit to me. But let me know your thoughts

Am I traditional? Or is it inappropriate to ask someone about their finances without a means if benefit of information to the person asking

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:56
Hey, it's JL. My thought is that it is a common, traditional stance to want to be private about one's finances, one's health, one's investments, things of that nature. And what I just in my own life experience have come to learn is that it's not helpful because how powerful is it to share with someone? Hey. And I'm just using examples, I make 75,000 a year, and I have the following investments
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 2:57


Like, I have a pretty large eight by eight shed that was built locally. Just random questions like that. And the person I was asking was somebody that was retired. So they don't work. They already have their sort of own place and whatnot. And it was just the way I was looking at it and analyzing it was the fact that there's no benefit for them to have asked that question