Professor Z
@Professor42 · 4:38

What is your reasoning for using Swell?

And if I've interacted with you before, there's a very good chance that I would consider you an original. Some of you have been on this platform. I joined this platform, I think, 2021, August of 2021, possibly, whatever it is. And I've been on this platform since then. Now, I've obviously gone on little breaks and spurts of inactivity. And then I've countered that with hyperactivity, where I'm creating maybe two to three Swells a day

Very blunt and curious question. Is it very similar to my reasoning?

Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 1:38

#reply #swelling

Hello. I came across swell on Jan instagram feed, I believe. And when I saw it, I was like, what is this thing and what does it do? So I downloaded the app and I clicked on it, and it was perfect. It allows me you journal, express my thought, interact with other people, get their thoughts, perspectives, point of view. And I was like, oh, this is amazing
Susanna Hutcheson
@SensibleEnsign · 4:48
There's no real conversation on there and you don't get any feedback. Like if I were to post a poem on there, I do get feedback from a few people, but sometimes and sometimes not. The thing about it is people are so busy on Facebook going from one thing to another that they don't have time to pay attention to one thing. And before I run out of time, I'll better finish this up
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 1:46


But I think the five minute rule, I thought that was great because it allowed you the opportunity to think about what you wanted to say, condense it, and get your message across in a short time span. I thought that was really great because sometimes we do tend to just rattle on and when you know you have a point that you want to get across, you're going to make the best case that you can with that point
Susanna Hutcheson
@SensibleEnsign · 1:44
Ideas. Well, I certainly do thank you for your response. I think swell is a wonderful place and I like your idea of just concentrating on two or three swells in any given time period. I think that's a very good idea. And I tried to to do the same thing as much as possible. As far as the five minutes are concerned, five minutes usually is more than enough for me
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 1:52


But I just thought I'd throw this in there because if you're currently not a gamer, it could be be something to consider, as obviously that's what role playing games are. You play a role, could be anything that you want. But thank you for your response. 42 out
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 1:08


Hey there, Shay. Wanted to respond to you. Hopefully I'm pronouncing your name correctly. Forgive me if I'm not incorrect me if I'm wrong, but I really liked your response. As I've mentioned in my first post, I used to write things down journal and it's really nice to see somebody has a like mind idea when it comes to swell
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 1:15


Hey, sensible wanted to respond to you. Thank you for your response. I think you're right in regards to how this platform works and people responding and actually paying attention. One of the minor reasons for using this platform for me is the of collaborative ideas and conversation. Conversations are meaningful, they're not random. And just one of many reasons for why I use this platform. I know this is a little bit off topic. One of the things you said kind of intrigued me
Susanna Hutcheson
@SensibleEnsign · 4:48


Hi, professor. Yes, I'll be glad to tell you what I can remember. It was so long ago, but I started out in, as I say, 91 there. There was an Internet, but there really was little else. I got on it using an old, I guess you'd call it a program. I don't remember what we called. It called CompuServe. All there was was AOL and CompuServe. And I opted for CompuServe
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 2:23


Hey, Sensible wanted to respond back to you. I meant to respond the other day, but just finding the time now interesting. The additional feedback you're giving, it sounds as though, like the early version of the Internet sounds a lot to be like what reddit is now, where it's a bunch of threats, a bulletin style type of Internet which isn't exactly what reddit is, but I think that's the core of what it is. Just people communicating back and forth on various topics