Kristine Phan
@productchibi · 6:44

Productivity: Building Routines

And it again reminds you that why you're doing the routine, that destination, that's what matters. Again, not the act of the routine on its own. Once you have the correct motivation behind the routine, then you can build the correct routine for yourself. And when you do, you want to start building a momentum that sticks. So you don't want to over commit to a bunch of different tasks on the daily

Unpopular opinion: routine meets demise with too rigid structures. At the core of my #productivity #success is flexibility. #buildingroutine

Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 2:48
So you have your goals after you have your routines and what you do, no matter what. And that way you don't have to worry about the goals. You're always working on them for your goals. And so some of those routines will remain permanent. Some of them may be shifted, some may change depending on what goals you have. But like you say, they're on ramps to goals and they're on ramps to who you're becoming, who you want to be