bhawna gola
@Priyaroy123 · 1:34

"The Life of beggars is the worst"

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Hello everyone. Today we will discuss about the life of a beggar. Beggars beg for a living. They usually do not have a house to live in. While some of them reside in slum areas many are deny entry. Even in such places, they lead their lives living on the footpath. In the big cities, footpath and roadside areas are the only places they get to sleep and lead their lives

#swellcast #collegevoice India

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:31
They have to sit on the same footpath, same platform, irrespective of whether it's too hot, it's raining or anything else. And they don't actually find the place to sit or the chance to get what they want. And most of the time it's the case of every beggar. But at the same time, I also want to point out the other thing is right now we can find true beggars very rarely