bhawna gola
@Priyaroy123 · 0:58

There's an old saying that goes , "Time is money".

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Every person has the same amount of time in a day. But not everyone uses their time wisely. Time is a precious commodity and it is the most important thing a person has. The value of time is immeasurable able. It is a non renewable resource which means it is finite. This makes it even more valuable. Thank you so much

#swellcast #collegevoiceindia

Manalika Das
@Manalika · 1:58
You know, by thinking that okay, I will learn that particular subject in the first three days and I'll do the revision in the next two days. We won't do that. We'll take all the five days. Maybe we'll just waste our time in the first few days and then in the end we'll be like oh, now we have to study