priyanka Gupta
@priyankagupta17 · 4:55


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Hey I don't know where do I can start I think I'm feeling lonely but why? Sometimes I feel that life why life is so difficult kusamagni Kirjana kinsey milan Sakh Beach may Ravi loneliness um Pasadi questions hotel Kisikisa nikar Path anahi Kisiko Batapata yebat accept kanma kumakale yam may hakayu but in bird k which may I think, are the pain which hokey shadi. A painful life. I know it's a healed Moniki jarvata, but Mojay mana Fanata kobe. 21 days cafe

#lonelyness #

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 3:03


When you will be able to move on from this. Until then, of course, up swelpe aye aka ham sabkisat share kijiyatni mankibati bolna chate. Because a lot of people are here who are going to listen to you. Judgment free and this is a very safe space for people also may archkuchantope loneliness so mayo spell killing the attach karim or AB interact Kasaki sat or abapna apnaja thoughts so do check out that swell or reply zaruki jagao's work and welcome on swell
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