Priya kashyap
@Priya_swell_ · 0:34

Do follow my you tube channel "SpokenWordPoetry PRIYA KASHYAP"

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Hello, everyone. Good afternoon. This is Piakasha Swell. YouTube channel, please. YouTube channel that is spoken invert poetry, preachership poetry upload. So please subscribe my channel and leave your valuable comments over the poetry. That's how they are. Thank you. Bye


Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:40
Hey, Priya, this is a great set. All the best for your new beginning. I'll definitely make sure to check out her YouTube channel, poetry channel. And yeah, I think you're going to do amazing there as well. But do keep posting a poetry on Square because here, we love listening to you recite your poems because they're beautiful and the way you bring them to life, the way you recite them, it's absolutely beautiful