Priya kashyap
@Priya_swell_ · 1:23

Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder

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Hello everyone. Good evening. Siyakashai. As always. So, how you all are must be doing great. I know. So what I'm going to talk with you for today is something which is very sensitive. Over which everyone can have their different perceptions regarding how will they take it. So, the topic for today is beauty lies in the eyes of the holder. Whenever we talk of any person, we judge them or we talk about them on the basis of their beauty


Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:39
Your question is really valid. So most of the time we, during conversations, we say during quotes, we say that it's important to consider inner beauty, not the appearance like this particularly. Keep on telling multiple things during our conversations, during speeches, during codes and all
Priya kashyap
@Priya_swell_ · 0:20


Your words are genuinely correct. Yes, these things are seriously are to be said only. But the most important thing while we see a person is the physical appearance and our reaction, our interaction with them is all based on that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

zeba sahib
@Sahibzaaadi · 1:38
Hey, Priya. Lovely topic. Good morning. You were very right. And so was someone else also answered to this, saying that, you know, initially, the first look and what you perceive about the other person when you look at them, yes, that is mostly the case. But when this phrase is used, that utilizing the eyes of the beholder is mostly after, you know, the person
Priya kashyap
@Priya_swell_ · 0:08


Thank you so much for replying me over the topic. Your words were really mesmerizing. Thank you