Preya Shah
@preyaaa · 3:20

Uncut! Unflitered! Is crying too much okayy.? Something that just a person knows about me!Heart to Heart conversation.!

And I think it's so good like oh my God kind should be appreciated because that is of emotion too. If you display other emotions, why can't you display your tears? Why can't you display that? And guys, as long as you cry because you are feeling mentally relieved, then if you are feeling emotionally good, then you should cry. Because other than if you don't cry okay, then things will go and go in your head

#selfcare #mentalhealth #notetoself #cryingisokay #swell #rant

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 3:02
And it's a very healthy mechanism, crying, because people who actually bottle it up keep bottling their emotions up. I think it affects them very negatively, both mentally as well as physiologically, which is never a very desired or very ideal situation. So yes, I think trying should definitely be appreciated. And all the stigma around it, or although looking down upon around it needs to stop. Because everyone has their own poking mechanism