Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopra · 5:00

Why are people so messed up in life ??

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And most of the thing I think is because of the constant comparison that we do with the people on social media, maybe internet and even the education is not able to satisfy the modern needs of the younger generation. The schools

#AskSwell #mentalwellness #physicalwellness #inspiration #motivation

Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopra · 2:14
We are taught subjects, we are taught history but we're not taught how to live actually there's lot of things going around that is messing us up. I would like to know what do you think? Do you also come across people who are really messed up in life and how are they dealing with it and are you really messed up? I know we all are messed up in some ways or the other and we are constantly growing and learning from that and we are becoming better day by day
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 3:48
He starts entertaining all the things which are happening around him in this world without himself, without allowing himself to be absorbed by those energies around him. So it's important that you observe whatever is happening around you. You might be possessing a very flashy car, that's good. But don't just allow that thing to be owing you. Stop allowing that thing to have a control over you. That's very important. Thank you so much for sharing your pearls of wisdom with us. Thank you