15_Prachi Aggarwal
@prachiaggarwal · 3:03

My 11th class

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Hello guys. Today I'm here and I want to share my experience of my most precious year of my school life class 11th of batch 2019 and 2020. So let's get started. Get started. So I completed my schooling from Motina Memorial Senior Secondary School. I can say that in my whole school life this class gave me a fruitful experience and amazing days that I cannot forget any time

#sayitonswell #share on swell

@Neha2004 · 1:24


Hello, Prachi. I'm very happy to listen your eleven class journey. And it seems close with me that I changed my school in 11th class and it's very difficult for me also to say goodbye to old friends and to make a new bond, new relationships with new friends in a new school and to adjust in their environment. It takes me two to three weeks to adjust there completely. So, yeah, I'm very happy by listening your story also. So thank you for pausing English