15_Prachi Aggarwal
@prachiaggarwal · 3:25

Did you know about these human body facts?

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And if you are listening to sound 130 decibel and above, then it can cause the extreme pain. Now new thing is that as we know our nose can smell many many different fragrances, right. It is about 1 trillion and it is because of the presence of 6 million all factory receptors in our nose. All factory receptors are those which helps in identifying different types of smells. But in dogs it is more than 40 times right? Means 300 million olfactory receptors are present in their nose

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Anya Sood
@anya08 · 0:33


I have some more interesting facts about the human body for you. Like the ear wax present in your ear is actually a type of sweat. Also, your ears actually never stop growing. You produce about 40,000 liters of spit in your lifetime. You're about 1 CM taller in the morning when you first get up than when you go to bed. This is because during the day, the soft cartilage between your bones gets squished and compressed
Sheeba ❤❤❤
@sheeba1234 · 0:50
Hi. Good evening. Very interesting facts. And I also tell some interesting facts about the brain. Our brain is 73% water. It takes only 2% dehydration to affect our attention, memory and other cognitive skills. 25% of the body's cholesterol is an integral part of every brain cell. Brain information travels up to 268 mph. This is faster than Formula One race cars, which top out at 240 mph. The brain generates about 20 bars of electricity