Steve Dover
@poppyteezworld · 1:41

Navigating the role as a special needs parent

Hey swell. I hope everybody's doing good today. I need your help with something. I am doing some research for an upcoming series of podcasts that deal with navigating different systems. As the parent of a special needs child, what I'm looking for are suggestions of system role special needs parent will need to navigate during the course of their child's lifetime

What are some of the "systems" that parents of special needs kids have to navigate? #askswell #specialneedsparent #navigatingthesystem #specialneeds

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:49

#community #askswell #specialassistance #specialneeds

Hey, Steve. I don't know if I'll be able to give you much insight or offering or knowledge in kind of your search or your request, but I definitely want to respond to kind of boost this. I think you've done a great job with the hashtags. I'm going to throw in a couple more with the hopes that some people from the community can see it