Poppys Music
@poppysmusicpati · 0:31

#MyProfile | Poppys Music

article image placeholderUploaded by @poppysmusicpati
Hey, everyone, it's Poppy from Poppy's Music Patio, and I would like to invite you personally to listen to all of my podcasts on Spot. Spot podcasts on spotify. And I'm also going to start this one, so the other one will eventually be weaned out. So this one's going to be still called Poppy's Music Patio, but short little three or four song information and kind of tidbits. So hang in there


Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:24
Hey, so great to hear about your podcast. I am a huge music fan, listen to all kinds of genres of music and I'm curious how you're going to be using Flow to engage or create content in relation to your podcast. Would really love to hear more or like brief snippets from the podcast or anything that you have to share about music. Looking forward to it
Poppys Music
@poppysmusicpati · 0:24

@bowie https://anchor.fm/poppysmusicpatio

You. Hello? At Bowie. This is Poppy. I've above. I put my link to Spotify for podcasters where you can listen to I've got over 30 episodes. Still thinking about what my next one will be, but probably about the year 1983 and then 1984. But hope you can listen in. It's exclusively on spotify
article image placeholderPoppys Music Patio • A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters
Poppys Music
@poppysmusicpati · 0:11


Hey, there's a swell invitation above in my description for Poppy's Music Patio. Hope you can take a listen