Crystal Charlotte
@PoetsMakeNoise · 0:21


article image placeholderUploaded by @PoetsMakeNoise
article image placeholderUploaded by @PoetsMakeNoise
Little lovely that little lovely with a slight figure in the shadows that figure was female she hurried raised hands nothing to kick arms over chest lean closer in my dress a sidelong glance moon eyed smile of the female population

A short poem created using the blackout method. Created and performed by Crystal Charlotte Lynch. #poem #poetry #poetrylovers #foundpoetry

Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 1:02
So I just did a whole I did a post this morning talking about how I want to start my day with poetry, because I it is something it is kind of like a more nourishing form of media, I guess, compared to what's out there. You can sit with it all day and like, I don't know, progress with it is the word, but work with that one thing and explore different things. So I'm going to listen to this a few times