Danny Queen

Aries:the Ram(21st to April 20)POET/love in full circle(astrological love poems)POETDANNYQUEEN /copyright 1986 all rights reserved/Queens Palace

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Until you fulfill the needs of your spiritual self you can never find a home and the heart of someone else. So behind your mask of tough love it's a fact that loving you for you is a balance in that when play acting the blame game for the sake of some action you dislike being ignored as the main attraction for the love of a challenge that's forever fresh and new. You like being the boss but don't like being told what to do

Aries: the RAM(march 21 to April 20) love in full circle(astrological love poems)POETDANNYQUEEN/ #FYPviral/ #FYP/ #PoetDannyQueen/ #BlackPress/ #BlackPoet
