Jennifer Besa
@PhillyJen · 1:53

My Devil Wears Prada Moment

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I was working for a law firm, not a fashion magazine. But my boss was straight up Miranda Priestley from Devil Wears Prada. We were in Manhattan for a mock jury exercise to test our case before trial. The location of our office and the location of the testing site were a couple miles apart, not really a walkable distance. We got to the test site very early in the morning and immediately realized that one of the partners had forgotten an important video of one of our key experts

#TellYourStory #SwellPrompt @allowthesun | An event in my life that made me feel as if I was in a movie...

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:50
Oh, my gosh. I cannot believe that happened to you. That does sound something straight out of a movie. It has been a while since I've seen Devil wears Prada, but I'll never forget Meryl Streep's character. And I'm so sorry, though, that you had to go through that. I hope that you have a better working situation now. And even though I'm sure it was a hard time, I hope that you got something out of it
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:27
And I'm really glad that more eyes are on it and people are chiming in from all different regions to say, yes, this is what it's like and enough is enough and we're standing up for ourselves and we don't have to tolerate that and it's inappropriate and dehumanizing and end like run. So I'm really glad that people such as yourself and those other creators are holding a mirror up and God willing, there is some changes that will happen moving forward. Bye
Jennifer Besa
@PhillyJen · 0:31


You. Oh, my gosh. I love your energy. I wholeheartedly agree. No dis anything. That ain't happening. I love that. That is one of many, many stories I have working for her. And like, now I can look back on it and laugh. At the time, it wasn't so funny, but I no longer work for her. I work for another woman who is amazing. And yeah, I'm just thankful for your feedback. Bye