phil spade
@Phil · 2:17

My fondest memory of Pop-Tarts...

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And the picture I posted here is what the box used to look like when I was a kid when I actually ate these pop tarts. And the chocolate frosted was my favorite pop tart by far. Now, I would eat the frosted blueberry and the frosted strawberry as well, but the frosted chocolate was my all time favorite. I'd never understood the concept of buying any pop tart without the frosted on it. The frosting, it just didn't make a lot of sense

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Fred Mahusay
@Fredshots · 2:13


You can see that from a mile away. I do agree. Why would you ever have a pop tart that's not frosted? Disgusting. But he cracked that thing open and then broke off a piece of the pop tart, dunked it into his coffee, and then enjoyed that thing. And I usually don't talk to strangers, especially on a plane, especially the poor bloke that happens to be in the middle seat. But I was like, are you dunking your pop tart in that coffee?