phil spade
@Phil · 4:43

TSA unveils self-screening: Some advice from a heavy traveler

article image placeholderTSA unveils passenger self-screening lanes at Vegas airport as 'a step into the future'
And the people that slow it down, we throw them back into the line to help them reassert how it is that they actually go through the line. We train them. Maybe they go through training and get certification to actually go through these lines. But without that, I think you're going to see the same results as you do in the super market. And people just really getting confused and slowing down the whole process that was meant to speed it up


Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:41
And so I don't want any chance that anybody can slip something on a plane out of quote unquote convenience. So, yeah, I'm not a heavy traveler. So if I was on a plane many times per month, I probably have a different story. And I don't travel for work, so when I'm traveling, it's for leisure or I have to go see someone that's sick in my family or something like that