phil spade
@Phil · 2:58

Microsoft to allow games to be played on other consoles? #WhatAmIMissing

article image placeholderMicrosoft will bring four Xbox games to other companies' consoles
Yesterday, Microsoft announced that it would allow their Xbox games to be played on other gaming consoles, including the Switch by Nintendo and Sony's PlayStation. This move really shocked me. I did not see this one coming. And I've invited Taylor here, who knows a little bit more about the gaming industry

@taylor Help me understand this move https://s.swell.life/SU4OltwBDC6ufMA

Michael Knight
@MK1981 · 2:20
Hey, well, I'm probably not as knowledgeable as Taylor is, but I did grow up playing all the consoles, everything from Nintendo to Dreamcast to Genesis to, you know, all the xboxes, and even had a short stint with a PlayStation. I think a lot of the reasons why people are kind of attached to their consoles at it's because of the ips, like the original games that are associated with it. Like for example with Xbox, it's more about Halo
Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:51
You will meet some people that definitely only stick to one console. Maybe they own both, but one of those consoles definitely dominates their gameplay time. I'm not one of those people. I have all three in my house. I have a Nintendo, I have a Xbox and I have a PlayStation. But the Xbox is the one that I have not updated recently. Mainly because I think that as a console person, I prefer PlayStation products