J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 4:47

Self Improvement Methods ep4. "Does your current self reflect your true self". 526hz

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Does going for this or this or this reflect what you really want? No, but I need this because no, screw the system, screw this, screw that, screw whatever. Does that reflect your true self? And this is a hard battle. This battle with me is where I'm going because I'm doing the same thing. I'm like, but what about finances? What about this? What about that? What about this?

To follow this series "self improvement methods". #jmoorselfimprovementmethods. #jmoor #phasereality #selfcare #selflove #self #love

Emily Broome
@helloemilybroom · 4:58
And so we sort of have a pendulum swing response where we're like, I don't want that. I want to do something different. And then you introduce technology and how it's opened up the world to us, and it's like, how can I die before I see the cliffs in Ireland? How am I supposed to go on with my life if I haven't gone to Switzerland? That's where my brain is at right now
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 3:21


And that's what led me down, you know, self improvement, you know, self mental wellness, which has even allowed me to even allow people to know a little bit about my spiritual side and how I live my life a little bit. And again, I really appreciate your words. I like everything that you said. I hope that your health is on its way. Coming back to recovering. I always like to plug in. I'm a firm believer of frequencies
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Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Emily Broome
@helloemilybroom · 3:02
Oh, I guess another thought that came to mind while you were talking, something else that I've wrestled with is, like, okay, i, of course, want every person to have every opportunity to live the dream, to travel where they want to travel, when they want to travel. Whatnot? But then I remember how so much of living that dream is dependent on people who choose to not live the dream
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 4:48


You'll see that there's a constant rotation of students and doctors and nurses and everything coming in, but we're always going to have that because we have a school of nurses that are becoming nurses that are going to want jobs just as much as we have a bunch of nurses that are done that have been working since the they're done. They're like, I'm done. It's time for me to retire. I take that same mindset with this algorithm of life, and I apply that
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Emily Broome
@helloemilybroom · 2:51
As much as my job kind of destroyed me, I'm thankful for the time that I was there because it really was good, hard work and I really got a sense of satisfaction and contribution to society. And now I'm feeling very ready for this kind of phase that we're both describing
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 4:57


I was like, okay, since I'm away from the structure of that world right now. I'm going to try to look at it from a different point of view with a different lens. And by doing that, I had to go and educate myself. I had to be conscious about what I would watch on YouTube. So I paid for YouTube Pro because I didn't want any commercials like programming me to sway away from anything and I got tired of ads
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Emily Broome
@helloemilybroom · 4:37
And so in my mind, my mind's temptation is essentially to say that I've fallen completely from the top. Where I used to be in really good shape, I used to be on it, I used to be learning something all the time. And that's one benefit that swell has been is it's allowed me to have mind probing conversations, which is a way that it's a muscle. If you don't use it, you lose it
Emily Broome
@helloemilybroom · 1:03
Oh, and one side note. Footnote. Whatever. Something else that told me that I need to embrace the dormancy is because of everything I've been through in this last year. I realized that when I did say something or when I did try to create something, it was out of a place of rashness and foolishness. And I had less patience for things, and I would speak in anger or in bitterness