Khushbu Singh
@pen.paint.life · 0:42

The pain of hiding your true self

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You. The most painful and scariest thing in the world is to look in the mirror and not recognize the person staring right at you. It starts with you trying to become someone you are not because you wanted to fit in. But it leaves you hating being with yourself. And tell me something how can anyone accept a person who does not accept them themselves? Can anyone love to spend time with a person who hates spending time with themselves? Where does it leaves you? Nowhere

#bookreading #life #mentalwellness

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:47
You. This is a very valid question. I feel that kindness begins at home. That means we should be very kind to ourselves. We should be able to love and respect ourselves and accept ourselves and be ready to forgive ourselves. And I think we should be very kind to ourselves because that's what I have learned over the years. That whatever may be the case, we should be able to accept who we are because only then can we move ahead in life
Speaking Buddha
@Vivek.Padalia · 4:12

#vivekpadalia #vivekpodcast

You. Thanks for bringing this very important point. And one of the most painful area of most of the in most of the people people's life why I'm saying so because since childhood you we are taught to take care emotions of others. To take care to respect, to be more observant what is happening around. But we are not taught how to take care yourself, how to take care your emotions, how to take care your needs, how to take care your own aspirations