preethy uthup
@peeli · 2:30

The CEO story - A poem

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Then I thought, no, I think I should express myself as a poem. So here is what I am expressing about myself. You are the CEO of your own story. Navigating the seams of navigating the seas of time and glory, hiring and firing along the way, crafting your tale day by day. Some bring lessons wisdom to impart while others ignite the flames in your heart. Good Samaritans lending a helping hand guiding you through the shifting sand

You are the CEO of your own story !

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:58
Hello. That's amazing. You're the CEO of your own story, and you can change the story at any given point of time, and you can change it any way that you want. And that is the beauty of it. So I understand where you're coming from. I can hear you, and I can relate to this. And that is, is what makes it so beautiful. Preeti. So thank you so much for sharing this
Gunjan Joshi
@Bibliophile · 1:01


Good evening Preeti. Thank you for an invitation on this wonderful swell. This poem comes at the right time of the year when everybody is about to embrace festivities. As it is infused with so much of energy and power. It makes each of the women feel that you are the CEO of your life. It's each line makes everyone empowered. I particularly like the lines such as you can hire and fire according to your wish. So this is so much empowering
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:32
Hi, Peeli. This poem was amazing. And when I was listening to your poem, I was literally feeling that. And there was a kind of feeling, yes, this is something we should aim for, sort of. So thank you so much for inspiring us. And you are always a source of inspiration for me. The kind of topics you come up with, the kind of versatile reality that you exhibit in the context that you speak. So it's really amazing
Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 2:45
And when you look from your perspective, the way you have articulated the deepest and the most strategic aspects of a CEO's role and inculcated in an individual who is pursuing on a journey in his or her life, it's remarkable. It's a simplistic way of putting across that, the way you have articulated and narrated it. And it's just so how complex things can be simplified. It always amazes me. So this poem of yours is a reflection of that
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 1:56
Hi, pretty. Thanks for inviting me to this poem. In a short poem, you said almost what is true. What we do not always see in us as a human is not only as a woman, but as a human being also because it, a human being has such a power that we don't always see. You are the CEO of your enterprise. And I will add, you are the government, entire government. You are a country in you
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 1:37


It took you a while to write this poem because there's so much of wisdom and so much of thought that has gotten into this poem. And you have worked really hard. It is clearly evident. So, thank you. Thank you for writing this, and thank you for sharing. I hope you had a great Christmas, and I know you did. And I hope you have a great new year ahead. And thank you
preethy uthup
@peeli · 1:14


So it's a positive influence. Even though we are far apart and miles away, there are some things that the vibration of the earth can carry. So I feel there's always a positive vibration that comes from you, to me and to all the people I think, who listens to you. So keep up that good cheer and be the CEO of your life and enjoy life to the fullest. He's wishing you a lovely, lovely 2024. Bye
preethy uthup
@peeli · 1:26


And I truly now connect with only people who has got a pure soul and who might really feel connected, and you're one of them. So I truly, truly appreciate all the replies you give and all the encouragement you give. And you are also a source of inspiration to me, like with all the poetry that you write and all the goodwill and the good thoughts that you have in mind. So I hope you have a lovely 2024. Enjoy
preethy uthup
@peeli · 1:27


Hi, Adarsh. Thanks for the reply. And, you know, there are a few people who have inspired me for 2023, and I would like to say that you are one of them, because the way you articulate things, you know, many people can't do it. You know, the. There is a strong, um. You know, I don't know what to say
preethy uthup
@peeli · 2:50


I would say that way because not many people have this innate quality in them. And age old wisdom. You have that age old wisdom more than what it's in your age as such. So that is a God given blessing to you. So I would say that live life comfortably and enjoy the best in life. And one piece of suggestion is go for more adventures
preethy uthup
@peeli · 2:31


Even though through their voice or through even interactions or anything, I can feel that there is a God in you or there is something. The vibration is not correct. I shouldn't interact that sort of feelings I get with some people. So that's an innate ability that God has given me over the years, I feel. And you are one such person who's got a beautiful heart, beautiful soul, and you mean well for everyone. It's not for me alone
preethy uthup
@peeli · 1:58


Hi, Gauri. You're one person, you know, who's so down to earth and who gives perspectives, which is related to your life and takes a lot of cues from other people, but you have your own views also. That's what I like about you. It's not that you just take in and say, wow, it's not like that you're a person. What I felt was like you analyze it in a very deep manner more than anybody does
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:09


And there are some more whom who are so positive here. And it really is sometimes it's very overwhelming, and it's nice to talk to each other and try to support, because I think that goes a long way in this journey. And thank you so much. Thank you for making my day. And I hope you also are having a lovely day. Wish you a very happy 2024. Bye bye
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 1:40
I mean, you are who I aspire to be at that phase of my life. Certainly I do. And it's absolutely wonderful to have known you. It's inspirational in so many ways that it's inexplicable. Truly it is. So thank you. Thank you for all your wishes and prayers and blessings. And yes, regarding your suggestion, I will keep that in mind. I will not limit myself and this year I plan to go all out and do whatever I can in my ability
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 1:37
Hello pretty once again. Happy New year to you and to your loved ones. Firstly, thank you. Thank you for your reply. You really made my day. The kind words, sweet words that really made my day. You know that is enough. Vice versa. That's how I feel. Because your passion, your intelligence, your wisdom. Also because your poem, when you write it's always something wise
Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 3:49

@peeli 🙏

And it's so amazing, Preeti, that from so far away and with just few interactions and few poems exchanged, I know those few are. I don't mean to say less. It's a time period. It's a life we have lived, okay? And yet you come across people on a platform we never thought to connect in such a way