preethy uthup
@peeli · 1:32

Add your own caption to the picture !

article image placeholderUploaded by @peeli
And I don't want to talk more about my views, because I want to know what exactly you think. It can be a mixed view. It can be a controversial topic, what I have picked as such. But I just wanted to try out what is that my svalka's friends are thinking about. So I would love to know what you are thinking and let's have a discussion on it. I'm on neither side

Love ! What is that we look for to give or take ?

Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 3:37
So I think when we grow up, so when we are kids, we do receive a lot of love. As we grow up, we start understanding the complexities and the complications of the life itself. And we meet so many people who influence us in so many ways. And most of the times, it is going to be on the negative side of the spectrum
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:43
Hi Peeli, I captioned for this picture would be nurturing your heart and you don't need someone else to nurture your heart. You have to nurture it yourself with all the love that you can give yourself, all the rest and me time and doing things that improve your self esteem. Respecting yourself, giving yourself time to heal from whatever has happened, whatever negative has happened in your life
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:31

Sow love and watch it grow

Hi Preeti, I love this idea and this post. My caption would be sow love and watch it grow because I can see this girl, you know, she has obviously sowed seeds of love across that garden and she's nurturing it and watching it grow. So I would come from a space of giving and my spiritual master interestingly said, even in relationships, especially even in a marital relationship, people should always come from a space of giving. And when you give without expecting too much, right?
preethy uthup
@peeli · 4:17
So when you look into that aspect, the bitterness goes away and you see that in a different perspective. You see that I still love you for the time you gave me. The better things when we were together and that's it, then move on. So it is not very easy to do that. But I felt that that's a different perspective and that gives a lot of healing to your mind
preethy uthup
@peeli · 1:32


They were saying that what exactly is what we are is what we bring out. And when we interact with people that is what we give it to people also. So when people hurt you or when people are very nasty with you that's an inherent personality in that person. But if you are forgiving in nature and if you are loving in nature inherently that is what will come up most of the time. And that gives a lot of light to the other person, activeness to the other people around
preethy uthup
@peeli · 4:16


Hi dear. So love and watch it grow. Yeah, it's so true. And actually I was just telling Himanshi, if you see the hear the podcast just about this as a reply. I said that, you know, many a time, especially because you said martial relationship and that sort of thing, or even any relationship on a bonding side, what happens when the relationship is fine?
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:19
Hi, Priti. Thank you so much for responding and sharing your views on the subject. And it just shows, you know, how many perspectives we can have and that's a beautiful take. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a lovely evening. Bye
Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 5:00

Such a profound question #tellyourstory @peeli @GreyMatter@Bibliophile

So Kafka handed her another letter in which the doll wrote, my travels have changed me. The little girl hugged the new doll and she was happy that thing brought her. She got her to her home, and probably after a year later, Franz Kafka died. Now, that girl had grown up. She was now an adult. And one day she was going through her belongings where she got that doll which Kafka had given her
article image placeholderUploaded by @TheDevilsHorse
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 1:40
Hi, Adarsh. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with all of us. And I've heard it in the past, but I did not know that this is the story of Franz Kafka. So thanks for letting us know that. And you said one line that is going to stay with me forever, that love will find another way back to your heart. How beautiful is that? How beautiful. I mean, yes, we do lose love in so many ways and forms throughout our lives
preethy uthup
@peeli · 4:50
I would say like that story is so profound, so profound in many ways. First the person is giving an empathy and trying to help that kid find her the love of her life. But when she doesn't find it also he finds a solution for that, telling that it's gone on a journey. And then finally when he gives it back to her, the kid says that this is not the way I want it
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 3:46

Le Jardin du Coeur ( Garden of the Heart)

No, it's like each of this that represents a relationship that she has chosen to water and to nourish in the garden of our heart. And it takes intentional effort. I think sometimes we forget that it takes effort, it takes nourishing, it takes nurturing. And without that, it'll just die if you just leave it alone. If you don't take time to consistently offer it. Intimacy, communication, vulnerability, transparency, it may survive. I don't know
preethy uthup
@peeli · 2:32


Hi Candy, thanks for putting up that caption led Jordan decor because I was in Paris about three weeks back so I really can relate to this caption. Part of it. Whatever is said and done, Paris has its own aura of that sort of love atmosphere over there. I think you had put in the real good caption to it, and as what you rightly said, it's so good how you put it across, especially a real life relationship. Both has to nurture it
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 1:36


I don't know, but I think like minds think alike. And so I think I have already posted you an invite unawares that you had posted a topic already on it. I wish I could have put a reply on your swell on the same topic itself, but I think consider it my reply itself to your swell cast. But thank you. You asked this question and I guess I have posted my reply already. Would love to know what you think about it. So please keep sharing
article image placeholderAll For Love
Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 2:51


And it's great to know what we can think at times and what life is and things can be different. What I was able to relate, Preeti, is what he mentioned in the end. But in the end, love will return in another way. And that is what my subconscious state has been. Whenever I have written any poem and I got goosebumps, boss. This is what's happening with. But absolutely, I couldn't agree with you more on this