preethy uthup
@peeli · 2:55

The realm of divine - a poem

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As I walk the sacred path, guided by grace like a boxer in the ring, I fight for inner peace where the white visions love a guiding hand. I surrender my fears and my soul finds relief. For within me the divine plan will stand. I hope you understand. Like I'm trying to fathom myself and I'm trying to understand the divine plan. What the supreme being has for me

Some where we strive

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:21
Hi Preeti. This was such a beautiful poem. You really write very well. And I am sure the divine has a special and a very good plan for you. So wishing you all the best in life. All success and happiness to you. Take care. Bye
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 3:42
What it makes interesting is that we go through this moment of doubt, moment of joy, deception. That's what builds you up. I'm not saying we love to go through these ups and downs, but we know that they are in us, they are with us. We have to navigate with them. Therefore, we are so prepared. You prepare your mind like you now, when you wrote this poem. I think by that time you feel better that you went through this moment of doubt
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:51
Hi Peeli, you are absolutely right. Divine always has great plans for everyone and when you are actually expressing and when you are actually reciting your poem, I was feeling a lot of connectivity with that. And I do believe that always wherever you are and whenever you feel you are in a tough situation and whenever you feel crossing something is really of within few seconds, some magic happens and you come out of the situation and that magic is none other than the power of divine