peachneonnpink 🍑
@peachneonnpink · 5:00

What Peach Watches 001

He's not one of their in house actors, but he is also amazing. He's doing really well in his role as yeah, it's pretty good. Right now I'm also watching Bed Friends, which has Net and James, and this is like a very messy friends with benefits type of BL series, actually. But Net and James are just so charismatic and you kind of get really drawn to the story, even though the story is so much trauma, so much mess

What I’m currently watching and recently have watched in Asian dramaland.

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:30
Hey, welcome to swell. I've never watched any of these shows that you mentioned, but I forget what the name was that you said. But the one that's sort of like Night in the Museum sounds so cool and I love the release concept as well of doing like two episodes a week centered around, like, a theme that sounds super fun. I'm really going to check that out and listen back to your recording so I can remember the name and look it up