T-Rene B
@peacefulsgroove · 2:28

Invitation… take one

Um, this this is uncomfortable. This being the act of allowing self to be seen or in this case, heard, intentionally choosing to be vulnerable. I me. You us. Shit. Okay, I'm trembling. Yeah, I've done this before. Speaking. Let me start over. Breaking the habit of you. What does that even mean to me? It's layers. Breaking habits. Breaking the habit of you. You plural. Like y'all we us. Breaking the habit of you


Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:37
Hey, welcome to swell. And that's a really good question. I think I'm in the process of breaking a lot of the habits that I acquired when I was a kid and that maybe reflect more what other people expected from me rather than the standard I wanted to hold myself to and that I want to hold myself to now, presently. So I would say that and discovering what those are little by little, but definitely people pleasing up there at the top. Yeah, great question
April Alford-Barclay
@AnalogGirl · 0:52
Putting myself after other people has really done a number on me. So I'm working on creating a healthier space for myself and setting up boundaries reasons for myself