PastorD Smith
@PastorDrDSmith · 4:16

Worshipping the Father

In Matthew Six and 33, it says, seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all the other things shall be added. I often tell people, and even myself, if I put something before God, before I seek God, that's my God. So God comes first, primarily first, and let everything else fall behind. Let God come first. When we humble ourselves before God is powerful. It is full of glory unto God

#Pastordsmith #DrLadyD #Worship #God

Lui Lee
@MutedOwl · 4:21
His worshiping is so important, but people don't like to worship anymore. People just like the acts and acts, but we're supposed to worship God. We go into his course with praise. That's what it's saying is when we praise Him, when we go into Him and we praise Him before we pray, we unlock a level of anointing that will just flow. A lot of people say they don't experience encounters with God. It's because you're not unlocking that level of worship
PastorD Smith
@PastorDrDSmith · 1:36


Grace and peace be unto you. Thank you for replying. Yeah, it's good to reply. Sometimes I like to listen, I just hear the hearts. But I find that it's also encouraging to reply. So I am encouraged on what you have said. Very well said is anointing when we worship and I realize also within worship, there's no way you can worry and worship at the same time
Gail Nobles
@GailN · 2:14

1I was glad to hear your message Pastor D. Kings 19 Elijah Gets dicouraged. #Elijah

Hi, Pastor D. I was glad to hear your message today. I remember one morning I heard the Spirit of the Lord telling me to give Him morning glory and worshiping God first thing in the morning really helps you to start the day. I pray to Him, thank Him and study his word. Bible verses on social media. I'm on a platform right now where there are people trying to run me away