Pasju Kubert
@PasjuRelativelyĀ Ā·Ā 1:11

Is anyone ever really "on they own sh!t?"

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Hey, hey, good afternoon. Or whatever time it is in your relative reality. Pause. You here. Say. Say. Last night I was told I really need to be on my s*** if I am gonna really get to where I want to be. I appreciate the words be man very much


I guess it depends on what's meant by the phrase. The person who said it to you sounded like they were implying or saying, if you want to achieve something, then you have to make it happen. But then when you used it in response to them, it sounded like there was a different meaning, maybe, or that you were achieving steps to reach their goals at the moment. And so this one about the podcast is one of many things that you're reaching toward, maybe
Pasju Kubert
@PasjuRelativelyĀ Ā·Ā 2:56


So I trust him when he says, you got to be on your s***. And you're right. I think that it is a matter for me of, oh, oops. I've been worrying about other things and leaving this one thing unattended, which is reaching out to the people that had decided to follow me
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You don't have to have an expectation of there being some sort of idea of consistency or letting anybody down or anything like that. Because I think that as an artist, specifically, you're going to be inspired as you're inspired. And I think that that brings out more beauty and more quality than if you're making yourself operate according to some sort of arbitrary, structured way of doing things. Because maybe that's just not how you operate. Right? And maybe it is
Pasju Kubert
@PasjuRelativelyĀ Ā·Ā 2:31
Ah, thank you so much, Christina. I I enjoy hearing your voice very much as well. I would love to be able to just, like, have a series of, like, conversations with you that we just, like, hook up together somehow via the magic of the wonderful web verse and and really talk about things. I would love to talk to you in real time and get to just sort of freestyle with you on topics because, yeah, I love what you say


And just have to say that I loved this. I loved this