Paarth Tuteja
@paarthtuteja · 2:20

Diet while bulking

You can calculate your own body's calorie maintenance level by just any calculator available on the internet. And by that you will come to know about what your calorie maintenance level is. And if you eat that much amount of calories, you will not gain weight, but you will not lose weight either. That's just your maintenance level. I think that's very self explanatory. And while bulking up, yes, you do have to eat just a little above your calorie

@GymGuy_Ike @DadGymBros @Gymrat76

Ronak Badgainya
@worth_a_talk · 2:29
And just to make a little bit of more context, that carbs give you more energy and proteins, help in building your muscles and fibers, actually help you to get your metabolism better. So if you know the key aspects of these three things itself, it's very easy to maintain a proper diet. It's not important that you eat a lot of protein in a day, but you should be having some limitations and some pushing effect of your diet