Paarth Tuteja
@paarthtuteja · 5:00

Gym chicks shaming men for no reason at all

They are not there to stare at you, they're not there to make you uncomfortable. And as a person who's been going to the gym since a lot of time, I definitely observe people, I definitely like to be present, be attentive about who are the people around me? What's going on with them? What are they doing?

@Gymrat76 @GemsInTheGym @tangymisst @soggymeatweaver

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 4:14
Hi path. I absolutely agree with you when you say that the gym should be a very comfortable place for everyone, everyone who is going to the gym, whether that be a man, a woman. And yes, of course, there have been these videos doing rounds on social media where women are recording men at the gym staring at them. And that has has definitely sparked a debate, right, sparked an online debate, which is still ongoing. And you have brought your perspective on it