Angel Oquendo
@oquendo2727 · 2:24

Accepting the possibility of failure

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You. Hey, good morning, guys. Pastor angel from the ministry. We love Power and Grace, and I want to start a series of conversation with you today that I am going to entitle accepting the possibility of failure. Now, in the Book of Ecclesiastes, chapter seven, verse 20, I'm going to read from a paraphrase. The Bible says there is no one on earth who does what is right all the time and never makes a mistake. Keep that in mind

We will fail at one point or another in our lives, but do not allow the possibility of failure to paralyze you.

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:43
But it does let us know, me right now, that if I've done anything wrong through the grace of God, I can be forgiven. But I don't have to feel bad all the time because I didn't get it right all the time. So thank you so much for sharing that, sir. God bless
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