Mike Rodriguez
@nyc_medic · 2:46


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I put my two weeks notice to my employer, pre flight everything. Send my bookings for a flight room and board. I paid for everything. So now they come and tell me that unfortunately, they can't proceed. They can't and let me proceed to the next step and go to the academy because I have some tattoo on my hand. So I find, excuse me, I find that kind of f***** up. So what do you guys think? Talk to me

Applied for EMT/security possibly earning 90k and was shut down because of a tattoo on my hand. #tattoo #eeoc #secruity #emt

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:38
And that may be hard because it may have meant a pay raise or it may have meant different hours, or who knows what you are using to encourage you as an incentive to go forward with this security status level of an EMT. But for something to be denied like that, although it may be super messed up, I like to practice the belief and the faith that it's all for a reason. And that means that it's just not your path