It's really easy to see those obvious things, but honestly, it's the deep down dark corners of our heart and our minds that are full of things that we don't want anybody else to know about, that we're ashamed about, that we don't want to say out loud. The things you would never tell your grandmother, the things that you're taking to the grave. That's the kind of digging out that we need to do, especially before Passover

What's in your pitcher?

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:42
This reminds me of a quote that I really like that goes, like, in the filth, it will be found, which, yeah. You kind of have to dig through the deep, dark stuff that you don't really want to address, but that's exactly where you'll find exactly what you need, what you need to grow, to progress, to learn. Yeah, I really like that concept. I think it's very important, especially when we're. Yeah