Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 2:50

Coming out later in life - is this wrong?

Just remember it's not always been legal and in some places it is still illegal to come out as gay or trans, and even if it is legal, some people are brought up in a family homes or just don't feel safe. My point is there are many reasons why people come out later in life and so we shouldn't judge people for when they come out. We shouldn't pressure people to feel they should have come out sooner

#LGBTQIA #comingout

Professor Z
@Professor42 · 2:30


I may also be misinterpreting your swell completely, but I thought it sort of ties into gender identity and things of this nature. Look forward to your opinion and as always, great swell, professor, 42, two out
Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 2:07

We should never force anything on anyone @Professor42

And yeah, if it's a situation where parents have been really heavily encouraging the situation, that's unethical. And I do not agree with that at all. I'm going continue in the next reply because there's a few things to unpack here
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 4:57


Some people would come across as they mature. At 1718, I probably wouldn't have called myself mature until I'm still waiting. I'm joking, but different people have abilities to make decisions at different stages. We are learning about ourselves quite early on. We kind of a lot of the time we started questioning who we are and stuff at a young age
Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 4:19


So putting a slap bang at this age, this is the exact age that is minimum is a little bit difficult because somebody at the age of 18 could be still in the same mindset as a 17 year old. But at 18, they can go forward and transition in at 17, they can't so I don't feel comfortable putting a minimum maximum age because I just don't think being humans is as prescriptive as that. And gender identity is much more complex
Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 4:59

Last one @Professor42

Some people live fully like as the opposite gender to assign at birth but never go through the medical transition. Some others don't want to take hormones, but they are still the person they are. They are still the gender that they are. You said quite rightly that some people now also use the term trends for people basically who are nonbinary or another gender that's outside of the binary but may not have done anything in regards to any hormone stuff or changes in the way they live or surgery