Nisha Bhardwaj
@Nisha4867kumari · 2:34

India ranks one of the most unhappiest country again, Finland top's 6th consecutive year .

Northern Countries Nordic countries such as Denmark and Iceland are ranked second and third respectively. Other countries in top ten include Israel. Neither land Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Luxembourg and New Zealand. While India might be the fastest growing economy when it comes to happens, it has ranked a low 125 out of 137 countries making a small improvement from last year. Its ranking is even below neighboring countries like Nepal, China, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka

#collegevoice India # swellcast.

Charvi Dhiran
@charvi24 · 2:43
It is only about numbers. It is only about the economy growing, fastest growing economy, rapidly growing, growing country. That's not it. That's where countries like US, UK are also going wrong, being in the middle numbers. India, again, its education system is so derailing. It is so, so demotivating and pressurizing. It literally is like a vampire, okay? It just sucks out the passion out of you. It just sucks out the will to be happy. Right?