Emily Ilges
@Nikki18 · 0:13

Favorite memories as a child

What is your favorite memory as a child

#memories #child #children #Memory

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:48
It's. Hi. Really great question. I think there's so many favorite memories, but I think one is just being outside most of the day. I'm really grateful for my parents, who just really encouraged me and my siblings to just be outside and playing, like, don't watch tv, get outside and explore the neighborhood backyard. I feel like it really shaped who I am and my imagination
Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73 · 2:15
The people that were raising me had no idea of the power of books and the power of words. And so there I was, this little boy, very kind of downtrodden and miserable until I got my hands on a book. And I read at a much higher level than my age because I devoted a lot of time to reading. And, yeah, reading books like Toby Tyler, the Tattooed man, and all the H. Writer haggard books and H. G
D. Hnobody
@bigdaDDie63 · 2:53
But mainly was what it is to be a man, what it is to be human. I started reading psychology books and just kept on anyway. I wish I did have a good childhood memory. I wish I could have been a kid. But I don't know. Fate sets our paths for so we just have to follow. It's