Emily Ilges
@Nikki18 · 1:05

When you was a child What was your dream job and what did you actually end up doing

You. Okay. So as a child, I always wanted to grow up and be a nurse. My dream never changed. I am now 44. Still haven't reached the dream of getting my rn. I do have my c an a now and hoping to go back to school in the near future and get my LPN and my rn to complete my dream. But I am fully on the way to completing my dream. So what was your dream job as a child?

#dream #career #life #job #work

D. Hnobody
@bigdaDDie63 · 2:00


You. Well, today, there's a lot of female driving. Briggs, that was on my to do list when I was a kid that I made next to the last thing. And I did drive for about 15 years, and I loved every minute of it. I didn't go cross country, just, you know, to Arizona, Nevada. That was about it