Nikki Jai
@nikki.jai · 3:09

Let’s Get Into It

I love to create, and at the moment I've been so busy with my job and everything else, I haven't really had time to create. But within five minutes, I think I have time to make something, put it out there, but also give the best I can into this. So, yeah, I really just wanted to see how this went with this
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 2:22
I I write poetry, but I'm not it's been it's been a while, and I'm a bit shy about it, but but I write I write screenplays and plays and yeah, I also want to be a filmmaker, and I also love this platform for the exact reasons that you said. It's great being multidisciplinary. I feel like this is the kind of format that I really thrive on
Nikki Jai
@nikki.jai · 0:35


Ah, I love that. I'm just so glad that at least one person can relate to me. I think that's nice to find something in common, but I love each and everywhere that you had to say, in all honesty, especially about being I'm bad with terminology, but being multi talented and being good at so many things at once, it definitely does become a overwhelming but, yeah, I definitely hope you stick around and listen. I would just appreciate it. Thank you