Niharika Dutt
@Niharika_2727 · 4:53

Emotional intellegence in leaders

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Not immediately reacting or responding, but introspecting and creating a pattern of behavior which will build and entail a legacy that the team would really want to look up to you and also in a way imbibe that character. Well let me give you an amazing fact. The amazing fact is often more than not most of you would subconsciously start intimidating the attributes or characters of a leader. Maybe the way you talk, the way you walk, your hand gestures or the way you think

#leadership #books #storytelling

@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 1:45
Hello, Niharika. And it was really refreshing to listen to you as well. And I think emotional, intellegence leaders, something that's really lacking when it comes to leadership a lot of times. And it was really interesting to listen to your story as well, and the reaction of your team leader, because we rarely see leaders that exhibit this level of humility, I think also takes a lot of humility, and as you mentioned, maturity to recognize one's own areas of lack, right?