Lauren N
@nicolo · 4:57

Relationships and the differences of being superficially, committed or genuinely committed

It becomes apparent that their emotions were based on surface level attractions or a desire for convenience and comfort. It's as if their investment in the relationship was contingent upon everything going smoothly without any bumps in the road. This paradox highlights the importance of authenticity and genuine commitment in any relationship, true emotional connection requires more than just words. It demands consistent effort, understanding and a willingness to work through challenges together

It's both amusing and perplexing how individuals can eloquently express their emotions towards you, yet fail to invest the necessary effort into nurtu

@PastorBarbara · 5:00

@nicolo, #covenantdrelationships, #talk, #action

So I really appreciate what you said in terms of this? Well, because a lot of people get involved in relationships, these intimate relationships, and they don't know the person that they're getting involved with. They haven't taken the time to get to know someone yet. It takes time to see someone's true nature or character come forth. And over a period of time, a person can't hide that. They can't hide that from anyone